The Association of Sea Commercial Ports /ASOP/ was formed in December 1988 with headoffice in St.Petersburg. The Association consists of 55 Ports of C.I.S., including Association of Ukrainian ports as collective member, ports of Baltia, joint-stock company "Sovmortrans", and Central Marine Research and Design Institute.
President of the Association of Sea Commercial Ports, Chairman
of the Editorial Counsel
The Association contributes to activity rise and independence of Sea Ports by defending their interests, coordination of actions on different trends of industrial activity, establishment of mutually beneficial contacts with different organizations and other firms both in the C.I.S. and abroad.
The Association inplements its activity based on equality of rights and mutual aid.
The Charter of the Association provides:
The Supreme organ of the Association is Conference. Conference elects the Board of Directors, President and vice-President, Chairman of scientific-technical commit- tee, Executive Directorate.
The Conference is summoned once a year.The Board of Directors comprises 13 General Managers of the largest Ports, covering all the regions of the country.
The Directorate is a working executive organ which implements all organizational-technical work on carrying-out of Conference's and the Board of Directors' decisions.
The scientific-technical commission is a working organ of the Association. The Chairman of the scientific-technical Committee determines its members depending on the confirmed annual program of its activity.
The scientific-technical commission includes the following constantly acting specialized committees:
These committees are responsible for carrying out of scientific-technical works in accordance with the programm supported by the Conference. In its activities the Association cooperates widely with foreign partners and firms.
ASOP- coordinating centre of Ports' activities.
The co-operation with ASOP provides a wide variety of choice to invest your money in our economy.
ASOP wilt help you to find the bussiness partners in C.I.S.
ASOP will assist you in profitable contracts.
ASOP will give you an idea about the current market in C.I.S.
ASOP wilt assist you in:
Hurry up to ASOP and you will gain!
Association of Sea Commercial Ports |