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«Женщина XXI века: новые возможности и новые вызовы»
Организаторы: Горбачев-Фонд,Фонд им.Генриха Белля, Международное общество «Мемориал»
Москва, 6 декабря 2012
Olga Zdravomyslova, Executive Director of the Gorbachev Foundation, Vice – president “Raisa Maksimovna Club”
Irina Gorbacheva – Virganskaya , Vice – president of the Gorbachev Foundation, President “Raisa Maksimovna Club”
Boris Belenkin, member of the board of the Memorial International Society
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Christa Wichterich, social scientist, writer, member of the Women in Development Europe (WIDE)
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Claudia Mitchell, James McGill Professor, McGill University, Canada
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Donna Norton, National Campaign Director at MomsRising, spouse of U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul
Jens Siegert, social scientist, Director of the Boll Foundation in Russia
Lyudmila Popkova, Director of the Samara Gender Studies Center, expert with the UN WOMEN CIS SRO
Nadezhda Azhgikhina, Secretary of the Union of Russian Journalists
Alena Popova, Founder and Managing Partner, Open Project Foundation
Mikhail Gorbachev, former President USSR President of the Gorbachev Foundation
Grigory Kertman, head of analytical research at the Public Opinion Foundation
Olga Kamenchuk, sociologist, communications director with the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Study (WCIOM)
LarisaPautova, social scientist, Program Director at the Public Opinion Foundation
Natalia Bitten, journalist
Nikolai Vinnik, journalist
Aleksandr Molokhov, lawyer
Yulia Ostrovskaya, lawyer, Labour Rights Centre
Nikolai Vinnik, journalist
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Pamela Teitelbaum, researcher at McGill University, Canada
Zhanna Chernova, social scientist at the Higher School of Economics State University – St. Petersburg
Boris Denisov, demographer, Moscow State University Professor
Olga Zdravomyslova, Executive Director of the Gorbachev Foundation, Vice – president “Raisa Maksimovna Club"